RMS for Sovereign Wealth Funds

Seamlessly organize research across multiple vectors and dimensions utilizing dashboards configured to your funds unique needs.

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See How Bipsync Works
For SWFs

Adaptive and Scalable

Sovereign Wealth Funds looking to standardize and accelerate manager selection, monitoring, and oversight, Bipsync’s highly configurable and process-driven Research Management System enables users to work with the speed and agility needed to cater to complex manager relationships.

During the 2020-21 turbulence, SWFs almost doubled their direct investments, according to the International Forum of SWF. Having a system that can quickly scale to meet the growing demands of the industry is a must.

Process Management

Get a more in-depth understanding of research timelines and performance, standardize, score and monitor your entire research process with Bipsync’s Process Management Suite. Better understand and analyze the effectiveness of each investment stage, uncover latent opportunities, discover new trends and identify bottlenecks with our feature-rich pipeline management.

Compliance & Oversight

Engineered to meet stringent regulatory requirements for record keeping, data management, communications monitoring and more.

Bipsync eases the burden of compliance for research analysts, boosts employee buy-in to compliance and security practices, and streamlines audit, reporting and discovery processes for funds.

Triodos Bank Bipsync Case Study

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Compliance at its Core

Integrated software that works where and how you do.

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Purpose-built secure compliance suite for Compliance Officers.
On-demand data retrieval, reporting and analytics.
Automatic versioning, logging and archiving.
A time-accurate and complete audit trail of every action taken within the platform.
Customizable access policies, authentication and authorization controls.

The Platform That Powers Your Research

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